How to find who visits my Facebook profile (using page source)

How to find who visits my Facebook profile (using page source)

Hello guys, first of all you should know one thing. There is no real software to find Facebook password, who checks your profile and so.. (except used by pro hackers).
(using page source)

But there is a way to find who are in contact with your profile frequently than others. Like, with your buddies whom you contact most will be guys who might check or see your profiles or timeline frequently.

I can not guarantee that those guys are opening your profile intentionally, but some how it is based on a calculation that how frequently you and that Facebook friend are in contact.

Here I'am gonna teach you a trick that with whom you are in most contact on Facebook. This depends upon the chatting or frequent visiting of their links or shares or with previously contacted person people who have accepted your invitation, people who are still waiting to reply, people who have rejected your invitation, you can see the top 5 people who appear are the top 5 people in each category who look at your profile or pictures.
This changes in accordance with time, like you chat and blah blah what i said above... This is how the frequency is calculated and it is how its been known to some extent.

Here is the procedure:

  1. Open you Facebook account.
  2. Now hit ctrl+f (find) and type InitialChatFriendsList . Now you will find some 15 digit numbers like 100001009228667-3 and 272495152873024-2. This changes in accordance with when they joined in Facebook. Don't think its only in the order that first name displayed on your chat list  You can check it. Its based on all basis I mentioned above.
  3. Now copy those numbers leaving after -(single digit). Means you'll find a single digit number after the hyphen  Don't take it in consideration. The numbers are the id of that  particular Facebook profile
EX: Copy only 100001009228667. And leave -3, Copy only 272495152873024. And leave -2

      4. And paste it after And it'll redirect to a profile. 

That's all :) There you got it.

** Bala....